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Dermabrasion for Skin pigmentation and Blemishes

We are always looking for improved ways to treat our skin, searching for that brighter, clearer complexion. You probably already incorporate the essence of MicroDermabrasion in your skincare routine, with exfoliates and scrubs, Micro-Dermabrasion just takes this to the next level with a professional facial treatment. It is a none invasive procedure which exfoliates the outer layers of the epidermis, removing dead skin cells from the surface and helps to increase the production of collagen. The Dermabrasion machine uses a diamond tipped wand, suction and vibration for this (but don't worry, it really is painless). The wand is moved over the skin in small methodical movements, once the full face and neck has been treated the skins ability to absorb products is increased and allows the rest of your targeted facial to maximise results.

What Does Micro-Dermabrasion Treat?

This treatment can be used for a multitude of skin issues such as fine lines and #wrinkles, #stretchmarks, #acne scarring, #ageing skin, #pigmentation, dull tired skin and uneven skin tone. In today's blog we will be focusing on Skin pigmentation and blemishes and will cover the other issues above in separate blogs.

The Causes of Skin Pigmentation and Blemishes

Pigmentation blemishes are caused by many factors including sun damage, genetic predisposition, injury, hormonal changes. There are many forms of pigmentation and blemishes that people can have on their skin, these include ephelides (freckles), solar lentigos (sunspots), and pigmented birth marks such as Beckers navei and cafe- au-lait macules.

The Treatment

  • The treatment is progressive rather that aggressive

  • Skin is smoother

  • Can be used on any skin tone

  • Treats #pigmentayion on the face as well as the bbody

  • Visible results from the first treatment

Diamond-Dermabrasion after one treatment, there is a visible reduction in pigmentation.

Your final results will depend on the type of pigmentation / blemish that you have, Your therapist will assess your skin at your consultation and discuss the best course of treatment with you to gain the best possible ressults. Our Dermabrasion facial uses #Clinicare Glow products that work along side Dermabrasion to compliment the treatment with #hylaronic acid for a targeted anti-pigmentation and anti-ageing effect.

If your still feeling bewildered don't worry, Angelina is here, I know its like a mine field out there around products, what is it I need? how do I use this?which order do they go in? I am here to help. I can help advise you on all things skin care and treatments from planning a skin care routine around your lifestyle to helping with a specific skin issue you have been dealing with.

Would you like to know more about #Dermabrasion Want to give it a go? You can give Angelina a call or book on The Heavenly Touch website

If our still feeling bewildered don't worry, Angelina is here, I know its like a mine field out there around products, what is it I need? how do I use this? which order do they go in? I am here to help. I can help advise you on all things skin care and treatments from planning a skin care routine around your lifestyle to helping with a specific skin issue you have been dealing with.

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